Philosophy Societies
All India Society for Phenomenological Studies (AISPS)
American Philosophical Association
American Philosophical Society
American Society for Aesthetics
Arbeitsgruppe Phanomenologie und neuere franzosische Philosophie
Associacao Portuguesa de Filosofia Fenomenologia (AFFEN)
Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry (AAPP)
Association for Informal Logic and Critical Thinking (AILACT)
Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie
Associazione Italiana Studi di Estetica (A.I.S.E. )
Australian Society for Continental Philosophy (ASCP)
British Philosophical Association
British Society for Phenomenology
British Society of Aesthetics (BSA)
British Society for Ethical Theory (BSET)
British Society for Phenomenology (BSP)
British Undergraduate Philosophy Society
Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy
Canadian Federation for Humanities and Social Sciences
Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer phaenomenologische Forschung
European Centre for Ontological Research (ECOR)
European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP)
European Society for Early Modern Philosophy
Federation Internationale des Societes de Philosophie
Gesellschaft fur Analytische Philosophie
Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium
Hegel Society of Great Britain (HSGB)
Institut fur Axiologische Forschungen
Institute for Critical Thinking
Institut international de philosophie
Institute for Law and Philosophy, Pensylvania
Institute for Law and Philosophy, Rutgers
Institute for Law and Philosophy, San Diego
Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy
Institute for Saint Anselm Studies
Instituto de Filosofia, Madrid
International Association for the Philosophy of Sport
International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS)
International Society for Utilitarian Studies
Japanese Society for Aesthetics
Karl Japres Society of North America
Konrad Lorenz Institut for Evolution and Cognition Research
Law and Philosophy Society, Harvard
Manchester Centre for Political Theory
Metaphysical Society of America
Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science (MCPS)
Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA)
North American Fichte Society (NAFS)
North American Levinas Society
North American Nietzsche Society
North American Wittgenstein Society
North Carolina Philosophical Society
North Texas Philosophical Association (NTPA)
Norvegian Soren Kierkegaard Society
Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA)
Oxford Center for Ethics and Philosophy of Law
Phenomenological Society of Ljubljana
Philosophical Society of England
Philosophy of Education Society
Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain
Philosophy of Science Association
Research Group John Duns Scotus
Sociedad de Filosofia Medieval
Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia
Societe Internationale des Amis de Montaigne
Societe Internationale pour l’Etude de la Philosophie Medievale
Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy
Society for Applied Philosophy
Society for Machines and Mentality
Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
Society for Philosophical Inquiry
Society for Philosophy in Practice
Society for Philosophy and Technology
Society fro Stady of Prosses Philosophies
Society for Women in Philosophy in UK
Soren Kierkegaard Society of the United Kingdom
Sydney Society of Literature and Aesthetics
Wiener Gesellschaft fur interkulturelle Philosophie