International Federation of Philosophical Societies
FISP is the highest non-governmental world organization for philosophy. It was established in 1948. Its main objectives are: to contribute directly to the development of professional relations between philosophers of all countries, freely and with mutual respect; to foster contacts between institutions, societies and periodical publications dedicated to philosophy; to collect documentation useful for the development of philosophical studies; to sponsor every five years a World Congress, the first one of which met in 1900; to promote philosophical education, to prepare publications of global interest and to contribute to the impact of philosophical knowledge on global problems. FISP members are not individual philosophers, but philosophical societies and other similar philosophical institutions at national, regional and international levels. Among its approximately one hundred members, three-quarters are national and one-quarter international societies. FISP is a member of CIPSH, le Conseil International pour la Philosophie et les Sciences Humaines (ICPHS in English). CIPSH, also a non-governmental organization, consists of thirteen World Federations and constitutes the link between these Federations and UNESCO.